Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lower Abs #5 in HD
Lying Hip Thrusts

Lying Hip Thrusts, performed correctly with a distinct pause in the lifted position, are one of the toughest lower abdominal exercises with no additional equipment... simple and safe for most populations. Don't forget to PAUSE in the "lifted" position... it's A LOT tougher that way!!!

If you do this exercise with your ankles crossed, just make sure you do a set with them crossed the other way too. Always strive for symmetry.

Please remember that you CAN'T spot REduce body fat; however, you CAN spot PROduce muscle.

Watch all of the lower abdominal exercises videos that I have converted over to high definition and widescreen 16:9 format.

Have a great workout!!

Doug :-)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Lower Abs #4 in HD
Modified Leg Lifts

Modified Leg Lifts are one of the best lower abdominal exercises... simple and safe for most populations. Don't forget to PAUSE in the "lifted" position... it's a lot tougher that way!!!

DO NOT GO TOO LOW!!! It's all hip flexors down there and can wreck your lower back.

Please remember that you CAN'T spot REduce body fat; however, you CAN spot PROduce muscle.

Have a great workout!!

Doug :-)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Get Stronger Bones


There is a smart and simple solution to increased bone density and strength. Is this the cure to osteoporosis and osteopenia? Doug Jones explains the secret in his free video. This could very well be the strongest solution to osteoporosis and bone density!!!


But keep in mind that 20% of those affected by osteoporosis are MEN!!!!!!! Over the age of 50, a man's risk of developing osteoporosis and prostate cancer are the same.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Son's First Lead Role
Stephen Jones as Gaston
Beauty & The Beast
8th Grade

I've launched another website too.
Take a look at the link:

Saturday, May 9, 2009


This is a re-post of my all-time most viewed video on how to perform Frog Squats... with around THREE MILLION VIEWS!!! This exercise is, without a doubt, one of the most incredibly difficult and productive exercises you can perform without equipment.

PLEASE make sure that you watch the ENTIRE video before you attempt this exercise. It's important that you know all of the specifics before you begin.

For more information, or to join my website:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Be a Dumbbell
The biggest rack can be a pain in the back. Protect yourself by lifting weights off (and lowering weights onto) a dumbbell rack one at a time. Use your other arm for support when necessary. ALWAYS use proper form during your workout, even in between exercises.

For all of the safest, smartest, speediest, and simplest solutions to strength, stamina, stretching, and sustenance, please visit my website:

Thanks for watching,

Doug :-)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bigger muscles stimulate breathing. Although the body requires oxygen for metabolism, low oxygen levels do not stimulate breathing. Rather, breathing is stimulated by higher carbon dioxide levels.

Much of the lactic acid formed as a result of anaerobic metabolism dissociates into carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide stimulates respiration. Therefore, anaerobic exercise is NOT aerobic just because you're breathing hard.

For more info regarding The Best Way to Exercise, please visit:

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here a quick tip for a very basic body weight squat. This is a great exercise for your glutes, quads, hams, adductors, and calves. If you are interested in receiving my FREE NEWSLETTER, please sign up at:


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Best Push-Up Hand Position


What is the best hand position for
push-ups? CHICKEN WINGS!!!
For all of my tips and tricks,
please visit my website.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Celebrity Endorsement??
(I'll take what I can get)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The WORST Way to Exercise

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Machine Biceps Curls are a great addition to your exercise program. Keep your shoulders, elbows, and hands all in a straight line to prevent unnecessary strain (and pain) on the elbow joints. For more tips and tricks, please visit:


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Use Your BICEPS to Train Your LATS

FREE NEWSLETTER: http://TheBestWayToExercise.com

Pulling movements use the back, but they also use the biceps. Moving the elbow down or behind you uses the lats; flexing the elbow uses the biceps.

Pulling movements have both actions happening simultaneously and so you have no choice but to use both muscle groups.

However, there are two suggestions to help isolate the back muscles:

First, NEVER work the biceps before working the back. A good rule of thumb is to always work the biggest muscle groups first. If you fatigue the biceps first, they will not allow you to use much resistance while working the back because they are also involved in pulling movements.

Train back, then biceps, and preferably on the same day.

Second, ALWAYS focus on using the lats in pulling movements.

This can be accomplished by squeezing the shoulder blades together during the first part of the movement and focusing on pulling with the elbows (not the hands).

Your hands should just be "going along for the ride." Pinch the shoulder blades and then pull the elbows back. Visualize your hands as hooks, dragging the weight.

Examples of exercises in which you can use this principle are: Nautilus Compound Row, Hammer Strength Row, Hammer Strength Pulldown, Chin-ups, Seated Row, Lat Pulldown, etc. (bascially any type of pulling motion).

For more tips and tricks, please visit:


Monday, April 6, 2009

10,000+ Subscribers

Thank You & Mahalo!!!

Here's a Quick Tip on Breathing:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Learn From His Mistakes
I apologize in advance for what are
bound to be some nasty comments. :-(
That's the nature of group participation
on YouTube. I hope we're all having fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Do You Need to Buy Some Equipment?
Check Out These Great Deals!!!

Supercharge Your Season with Nautilus Equipment!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

FREE FOR ALL FITNESS: March Muscle Madness!!


Can you believe that the first day of spring is
only 3 weeks away? Ready or not, here it comes. Let's work together in getting you ready for springtime and the swimsuit season to follow.

Enter the following secret access code to receive
7-DAYS of FULL ACCESS to my website. Enjoy!!

At the bottom of the Sign-Up Page (Click Here) , you'll see... "If you have been given a promotional code, please enter it below."

Enter "JoinTheBest" as the promotional code to get FREE VIP ACCESS!!!

To learn more about the website before you join,
Click Here or got to http://www.TheBestWayToExercise.com

Why am I doing this???

I am so excited about sharing with you all of my super secrets, and confident that you will decide to continue your membership to The Best Way to Exercise, so I'm allowing you to see exactly what you receive... 100% Full Access to everything. If you don't want to continue your membership, cancel within those first 7 days and you will not be charged.

Assuming you DO want to continue to learn The Best Way to Exercise, you can do so for as little as $17, one month at a time. We also have specials on quarterly and annual membership!

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact me personally: CONTACT DOUG

In Health, Doug :-)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

90 lb Lopsided CHEST LIFT

Symmetrical Strength

I received a great question a couple of days ago regarding symmetry of strength. More specifically, if one arm is weaker than the other, should you do more sets or reps for that body part? While there are certain situations when training different sides of your body differently is definitely justified (baseball pitchers, stroke rehab, etc.), for most individuals, the body has a way of evening itself out.

When you first start a formal exercise program, your dominant-side is typically your strongest. This stands to reason, right? It's more coordinated and more often used... a most powerful combination. Think about it. Which hand do you throw with? The coordinated one. Which arm do you arm wrestle with? The strong one.

It also stands to reason that this stronger dominant side is also a little more muscular... or sometimes even a lot. Just look at the forearms any professional tennis player. The ball toss doesn't command as much adaptation as the serve, does it?

You body adjusts to the demands you place upon it. Use it or lose it, right?

So... you begin working out on a formal strength training program. What happens?

Well, if you use dumbbells and isolateral machines (with independent movement arms - or "legs," depending on the exercise), you are forcing your body to train symmetrically, perhaps not at first... but over time.

If you use 15 lb dumbbells, one in each hand, for a given exercise, it will feel relatively light in your dominant hand. But not for long. To perform the same exercise with the same weight, your weaker, non-dominant arm will have to work harder initially. It's less coordinated and has less efficient firing of motor units, which are responsible for the brain telling the body what to do.

Because of this, your non-dominant side, in quick time, will actually tend to become slightly bigger and stronger than your dominant side. But the lopsidedness of the size and strength of your two arms when trained will be much less noticeable than the asymmetrical weakness between your two "untrained" limbs.

The point? You usually don't have to do anything special to bring your smaller, weaker side up to snuff. At least it's one less thing to worry about. Just let nature take its course and be a little patient. I think you'll soon be pleasantly surprised just how fast you can catch up to your "better half."

As always... please direct any and all questions to:



In Health & With Thanks,

Doug :-)

Free Shipping Today At TotalGymDirect.com!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Best Way to Exercise for OSTEOPOROSIS

What's the Big Secret to Developing Bone Density???

Well... my typical tenet for training is to observe the masses and do the opposite, and here we go again! It's the same story for a different disease. People so often have the best of intentions following the worst of advice.

As the owner of one of the largest fitness centers in Connecticut, I've met hundreds of people over the years who have joined my facility specifically on "doctor's orders," prescribed to stride their skeletons to strength, substance, and solidity on a treadmill.

Unfortunately, the "weight-bearing" exercise of walking doesn't have a leg to stand on.

In fact, walking is just the beginning of weight-bearing exercise. Sure it's fine to walk for exercise (especially if you like walking, because that's about all that it gets you in shape to do). However, if you're truly interested in developing bone density, after you're done with your walk, your should then run to your nearest resistance training program.

So, the secret is, once again, to do the opposite of everyone else. And since everyone (and their osteoporotic mother) is walking as weight-bearing exercise...


Walking isn't bad... it just isn't good. Walking only impacts a handful of bones from one given angle. To effectively impact your complete skeletal structure, you MUST have forces pulling on as many bones, from as many directions, as possible.

So how do forces pull on bones?


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Viral Exercise!!!!!!!!!



This is getting kind of fun...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Get Lower Abs

Hi Everyone,

I've been busily adding content to my YouTube channel and website the last couple of days.

I have a new "GET LOWER ABS" Target Training Report available on TheBestWayToExercise.com and I think you'll find it extremely helpful.

For Only $7, you'll learn everything you need to know to specifically target the lower abdominal muscles. "Get Lower Abs" includes printable technique tips and over 15 minutes of video of me (sorry). :-) Learn the secrets to training abs only ONCE PER WEEK by going to my website link:


Have a great night!

Doug :-)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our Day of Rest


Dreaming of sun and surf on this day of rest...

Until tomorrow...

Doug :-)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Join the Resolution Revolution

Hi Everyone... or Anyone??? :-)

Are you still motivated? January 3rd isn't a bad day to start working on our New Year's resolutions together, is it? I'm looking forward to the opportunity of sharing with you as much as I know... as regularly as I can.

If I'm preaching to the choir, GREAT! Kudos to those of you who already work out on a regular basis, becoming lean, toned, flexible, and fit. There is nothing more amazing than a finely tuned body... except, of course, its unhealthy counterpart. If you haven't quite yet climbed to the peak of fitness, YOU are my chosen audience. You are the miracle waiting to happen. If you are fit-less and frustrated, YOU are MY inspiration.

Why is being overweight, weak, out of breath, and inflexible such a wonderful thing? Why are you a phenomenon because you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or smoke two packs a day? For one, it's amazing what our bodies are able to handle, even if temporarily. This alone is an absolute marvel... at least to me. You are remarkably resilient, regardless of whether your current state of "health" is compromised by years of deconditioning or disease. It takes decades of hard work (and hardly working) to destroy your body. For most of us, that's something to be thankful for.

Now for the true miracle... when you decide to switch gears, it doesn't take decades, years, or even months to change directions. Anything you want to change (facetiously speaking, of course) can change immediately. IMMEDIATELY!!! Decades and decades of neglect and abuse can stop instantaneously. Like it or not, exercise is the answer.

Here is some good news. The worse shape you are in, the faster your results. You don't need to exercise every day (or even every other day). You don't need to exercise for hours (or even an hour) ((or even a half-hour)).

And how about this? While long-term goal setting is great, what if you could see and feel changes this week? How about this very day?

I personally witness ridiculously astounding results all the time.

If performed correctly, exercise will likely:

* Increase your flexibility in seconds
* Lower your blood pressure in minutes
* Stabilize your blood sugar level in hours
* Improve your cardiovascular endurance in days
* Boost the strength of your muscles in less than a week
* Help you drop multiple dress or pant sizes in less than a month

You body is ready when you are. Who are you NOT to exercise???

Don't get suckered into only believing in the long-term lifestyle-change approach to fitness. When I first started working out, I wanted results yesterday. I firmly believe that most people have this mentality regarding health and fitness. It's not the proper perspective, but there is no reason we can't use it to our advantage.

We all need to exercise forever... move it or lose it, right? But you can make a change this instant, and not just a change in your activity or your psychology, but an actual change in your physicality and physiology. I am so thankful that it doesn't take long to make progress. I've seen instant results in thousands of clients. And I've seen them in the mirror.

Which brings me to my next topic. Me! Who am I to tell you anything?

Because this could be the first post you are reading from me, I feel obligated to tell you at least a little bit about my background. Perhaps you can relate to my experience or experiences. Over the past 25 years, I've helped hundreds and thousands of people in our local community, and I am working hard to eventually helping hundreds of thousands and millions of people worldwide.

Going on three decades of personal training experience (yikes!), I know that, along the way, I have already helped you... different body, different brain, same bio. In addition to training every type of person imaginable, and being a physique transformer, I have also had the "pleasure" of being the physique transformee. Whoever you are, and whatever you are dealing with, I can probably relate.

I have "been there and done that" myself, working through situations such as: a broken vertebra, systemic arthritis, an eight-year bout of undiagnosed Lyme Disease, and a head-on collision rollover car accident that broke my body and bruised my brain (for years). Exercise to the rescue!

I hope that helping others, and helping myself, can ultimately help you. I look forward to continuing our journey together, starting tomorrow...

In Health,

Doug Jones :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The 2nd Day of the Rest of My Life...

Hi Folks,

So much for working out again today. But I did eat, and I guess that's a good thing. :-)

Seriously, today (and yesterday) was spent in front of a computer literally every waking second...

I set up my brand new blog on WordPress yesterday; switched it to Blogger today. I am recovering from approximately a half-million video views on YouTube over the past few days, and the questions and orders that come with that type of traffic. Yeah!

And, most importantly, I'm just finishing up a series of Special Fitness Reports, which will be hitting the e-waves this weekend. The first is a report on the secrets of training the LOWER ABS!!

So... tomorrow is the 3rd day of the rest of my life and I promise to eat and exercise... in that order.

I'll keep you "posted." :-)



Thursday, January 1, 2009

Doug Jones' New Blog: HAPPY NEW REAR!!!

Hello Friends in Fitness,

Welcome to my new blog. :-) I'm speaking to myself, of course, because I haven't a clue on what to write or do. Nonetheless, I think you'll eventually enjoy it. I tend to be an "all in" type of guy so, if this is a way to get my message out to the masses, I'll no doubt work hard at hogging the blogging.

The Doug Jones Blog is tied to www.TheBestWayToExercise.com, which is primarily focused on teaching people The Best Way To Exercise (.com). :-) While my website is a content-rich paid membership-based fitness resource, and my books, DVDs, and special fitness reports are all available for the right price, my blog is going to be free. In fact, it is already. NICE!!

Although I'm sure I will expand and expound on the purpose and message of DougJonesBlog's Blog (and will probably change the name a few times too), my immediate notion is to use this tool to record my own personal exercise and dietary habits... YIKES!!! This could be scary, but I think it will help a lot of people... maybe even YOU!! :-)

Let's start with today:

Exercise: ZERO (My policy is to always start tomorrow, especially on a holiday.)

Diet: FRUIT (My policy is to always eat fruit all day to make up for my guilt-laden gluttony of yesterday. Please realize that I don't drink... and didn't have a drop... but that I ate anything and everything to make up for my non-alcoholic slant. Also keep in mind that is was New Year's Eve.)

That's it for today. Considering I wanted to post this on the 1st, and it's 11:51pm, and I have to figure out which buttons to press next, I'm going to leave you with something to watch. I hope it gives you a little more insight as to who I am and how I can help you learn The Best Way to Exercise.

Have a great day and a great New Year!!

In Health & With Thanks,

Doug Jones